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Milk Tea

Everyday Adventures

Our New Dog

We had a new dog come home with us today. Unlike Milk Tea, she is calm and quiet. She follows me with her eyes rather than her feet. She does not scramble madly around my feet as I walk, and does not run around frantically while…

3 March 2016
Everyday Adventures

Learning to Walk

Some people may be surprised to read this, but not all dogs naturally love walks. Or the outdoors. Yes, I have an otaku dog. Milk Tea’s fear of the outside was so bad that she used to start trembling the moment I brought her near the…

12 February 2016
Everyday Adventures

Snapshot of 5 Jan 2015

When I look through my blog, a good part of them (maybe 80%?) are about my travels. But the truth is, despite what it seems, I am not on the roads all the time. I probably spend only 20% of my time traveling. So, I thought I’ll…

5 January 2016

6 Weeks of Parenthood

Wow, has it really been 3 weeks since my last post? I assure you this blog is not abandoned or dead yet! Regular posting will be back soon! If you haven’t seen my instagram update (I’m slightly more alive over on instagram than here) we recently had…

6 November 2015