(No storyline spoilers in this post. but if you consider pictures of characters spoilers, then you should probably stay away.)
If you watch K-dramas occasionally, then you might be acquainted with this show. The Heirs has a star-studded cast, with many idols from popular K-pop groups and …
I have never watched ANY drama by ANY actor in this drama before this. I’ve never even heard of 98% of the cast! I know next to nothing about the show. The above was some tippity-tapping on Google.
I only watched it because Fu found a random trailer online and he was mildly interested in it. That’s all. LOL.
I did see banners of the show’s merchandise on Gmarket (one of my internet hangout places lol) a couple of times though, although I didn’t realize at that time how popular the drama was.
It’s majorly popular, btw. Both in Korea and the rest of the world. Ratings hit 28.6% at its highest, and it’s set to broadcast in 13 countries, with a Chinese remake in the pipeline.
Despite not knowing a single thing about the show prior to watching it, I enjoyed it rather immensely!
The plot is nothing new la, typical Poor Girl meets Rich Guy, ala Boys over Flowers aka Hana Yori Dango aka Meteor Garden, depending on which country’s name you know the famous manga-inspired show by. I wouldn’t touch the Taiwanese version with a 10 foot pole though. Jus’ sayin’.
You must be wondering, why in the world would it be enjoyable if the plot is so damn cliched?
The answer lies in the cast. Yep, the exact one I had zero clue about.
The actors, although young, brought the characters to life and really made me believe they were filthy rich high school kids who were all heirs to mega corporations, but each with their convoluted personalities and secret troubled lives.
In addition to that, was the EYE CANDY.
Oh boy.

Dunno why the auntie gets to be in the second poster and the cast photo with the rest of the young ones. She plays the lead’s mother and is from a different generation as the rest of the people in the photo! So strange.
Anyhow, moving on to the leads.

He’s good-looking here, but I think he looks even better with his hair down:

Same for lead #2:

Yup, those are the leads for me.
Girl? What girl?
She’s very boring la, in terms of character, looks, everything. Nothing remarkable. At least Tsukushi had a very strong and cute personality. (Hana Yori Dango reference)
Anyway, Kim Tan is supposedly the main lead, but I grew bored of his character as the show progressed. Got too UGH for me.
On the other hand, Choi Young Do…
He looked like this at the beginning of the show:

I even found some hilarious images of his evil/angry face:

His character developed really well and by the end of the show, he was:
Or so sad… :C
Somehow I always end up liking the second male lead’s character more in dramas! @_@
The eye candy is not just the actors (and actresses).
I think they must have been given a herculean budget to work with, because their outfits are all so stylish!!! You have no idea how many times I thought “Man, that coat is so damn good-looking. Fu will look great in that.” or “Wow, ok. Tops like those goes well with that type of sweaters.”
I was so besotted with the fashion that I attempted to google their outfits and found this gem of a link. Be warned that spoilers are aplenty in the link!
I don’t know how the author of that website does it. But she is PURE GENIUS. She can identify so many of the outfits in the show (and many other K-dramas). I bow before her greatness.
This drama caused me to spend quite a bit of money because I promptly went and bought myself three coats off Gmarket. Hahaha.
Kim Tan was also sporting this really nice necklace-shirt combi:

Ok, I think you get the point.
I love it cause it’s subtle yet so adds a very nice detail to the outfit.
So I went out and got Fu one too :D
The original costs like $400 or some batshit crazy amount, and even IF I were willing to pay that amount, Fu will probably not wear it out of protest.
So… I bought it off eBay! The total was USD 15, including shipping! XD I paid more to upgrade to the “Titanium” option too lol. So atas right. It actually looks pretty good in person, and you won’t be able to tell it’s only USD 15!
Maybe one day we can wear our Heirs-inspired outfit purchases and I’ll make it into a blog entry hahaha.
Just to round this off nicely (boy, it turned out to be such a long entry), if you are looking for a light-hearted show with promising actors, an eye candy parade in the form of actors and outfits and perhaps picking up a new styling idea or two, this is a good show to watch! Looking at pretty things make for a better mood ;D
Where to watch
Watch The Heirs here.
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