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Tourist guide Transport

Renting a Car in Japan

Are you planning on renting a car in Japan to do a road trip? Then this post will be a handy guide! Before we bought a car, we used to rent cars to go on road trips (here’s our first road trip, and one…

14 February 2017
Tourist guide Transport

Flying with Peach

There are various ways to travel from Tokyo to Osaka. In the past, I’ve taken an overnight bus, driven there, and gone there via shinkansen on the JR pass (back when I was a tourist). But on my most recent trip to Kansai with my sister, I…

17 February 2016
Tourist guide Transport

Osaka 2013 – Day 0: Traveling from Tokyo to Osaka

We went to Osaka last week for a short getaway to celebrate Fu’s birthday! (thus the lack of updates…) What do you think of when you hear “Osaka”? For me, it’s definitely… Takoyaki… Okonomiyaki… …  and Kansai-ben (a Japanese dialect)! I planned (and paid…

18 July 2013
Tourist guide Transport

Train travel in Japan – 2nd Edition

I did a long-ass post on train traveling in the old blog, and thought to refresh it a bit (thus “2nd Edition”) and post it here. I think it’s super useful + don’t waste the effort I put into doing it! If you’re interested…

12 June 2013
Tourist guide Transport

Train travel in Japan

In Singapore, we are used to traveling via many different modes – Taxis, cars, buses, trains… In Japan, I recommend: Taxis: Only if you are very rich. Or incredibly lazy. Or dying. Fares start from 660yen (SGD 9) for the first 2km, and jumps…

8 March 2013