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Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Michelin Dining: Tim Ho Wan 添好運, Hong Kong

Despite living in Japan, which is home to the most Michelin stars restaurants in the world (for seven years straight now!), I have never eaten at one before. My previous impression was Michelin-starred restaurants = $$$$$ which is the main deterrent to visiting one.…

7 January 2014
Hong Kong

5 local experiences in Hong Kong

I arrived in Hong Kong 4 days ahead of my family to spend some much-anticipated time with Carys! ♥ It’s my 4th visit to Hong Kong, but thanks to her, I still got to experience many interesting things, some of which is a glimpse…

28 December 2013
Hong Kong Personal

Wish fulfilled

I came back from Hong Kong a week ago, and it was my most meaningful trip yet. It wasn’t that I am so enamoured with Hong Kong; It’s not my first time there. It’s more the reason why I went. I went there to…

27 December 2013