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Where to shop in Seoul (and some tips!)

This is my review of the places I shopped at on my (er, not so) recent trip to Seoul. Recording it for my own reference because I feel like my memory is starting to fail lately… Hopefully it will be useful for other people too…

8 July 2014

Getting a hair cut in Seoul

One of the the things that Fu really wanted to do on our trip to Korea was to get a hair cut. Considering he had a grand total of only 3 things he wanted to do in Korea (the other 2 were eating and…

16 May 2014

Dining at the top of N Seoul Tower – n.Grill

Fu decided to splurge a little on my birthday and brought me to n.Grill, which is a restaurant located at the top of N Seoul Tower (Namsan Tower). The coolest thing about this restaurant is that it’s on the highest floor of N Seoul…

7 May 2014

Our Favorite Korean Street Food – Hotteok

We were walking along the streets of Hongdae (Hongik University area) when my nose caught a whiff of a most mouthwatering cinnamon scent. There was little else I could do but succumb and follow the ribbon of delicious smell. We found the culprit in the…

30 April 2014

Where to Rent a Mobile Pocket Wifi in Korea

I chose WiFi-Korea (see bottom of post for link) because the information was presented concisely and simply (hate stupid websites), collection and return was convenient, the price was pretty good, and they looked legit. Below is a short review of my experience with WiFi-Korea. Reservation and collection…

30 April 2014

Love Locks at N Seoul Tower (Namsan Tower)

On my birthday, we headed up to N Seoul Tower (previously known as Namsan Tower)! This post covers the first part, where we went to the famous deck to add in our lock too, hehe :3 Second part is dinner, also at N Seoul Tower.…

29 April 2014