Have you heard of the magical beauty gadget, Hada Crie? If you haven’t, then lucky you! I’m about to potentially change your skin (and also your bank account).
Hada Crie is pronounced ha-da, which means ‘skin’ in Japanese, and cree-ey as in creation (without the “tion” sound) which means… Skin Creation! Basically: Create the awesome skin you deserve!
Hada Crie is Japan’s #1 bestselling facial cleansing and moisturizing gadget line!
I know we hear it all the time: “#1 bestseller this”, “Top-selling that”, but in this case, I think it might actually be true. It’s wildly popular both in Japan and also worldwide (a simple google search will show you that)!
It looks like a plastic toy, but the metal plate is where the MAGIC happens. It releases both positive and negative ions and is what cleanses, moisturize and minimize pores on the skin.
Some people compare Hada Crie to Clarisonic, which I guess can be considered the popular US-made cousin of Hada Crie. However, the abrasive-looking brush of Clarisonic really didn’t appeal to me.
But there must be a reason why Clarisonic is so popular and maybe if I have a chance, I’ll try it out someday!
I first came across Hada Crie a couple of months ago, and when I researched it, I saw many people raving about it, and their reviews and pictures of how dirty the cotton pads became with the use of Hada Crie made me really want to buy one!
I don’t know if it’s age, but lately, I noticed that my pores are becoming more obvious. Also, my skin has the occasional pimple more than occasionally nowadays. It also doesn’t feel as smooth anymore. I always thought I had normal/combination skin, but when I went to the dermatologist in Singapore, she said I had dry skin! One blow after another. D: I can’t take it anymore!
However, being the great procrastinator I am (plus the price tag was not the greatest motivator), I kept putting buying it off. Until this month, when Fu commented that my blackheads are very obvious.
Now, guys don’t normally notice what girls do. We can get a new hair cut, buy a new gorgeous dress, not shave for 3 months, they won’t even notice, and give the same old “You are always beautiful in my eyes” line. Maybe it’s true, but still. No recognition for our hard work and effort at all!
Heck, I think if I pranced around in a Pokemon costume with purple and green hair, Fu wouldn’t even notice.
That was what made me snap into action to DO SOMETHING about it. So back to Hada Crie browsing. But I couldn’t decide which of the 2 models available I should get.
Which one should I buy?!!
It’s not clear cut as the higher-end model simply having additional features over the lower-end one. It also took away things I valued such as wireless ability, worldwide voltage (in case I want to use it in Singapore or when I travel!) and of course, lower cost. Hahaha.
In the end, I sat on it for a few more days as I pondered which one to get. I was determined to buy one! Just that… which one?
Thank god I waited! Because as I was doing more research trying to decide which model to buy, I came across a valuable piece of information…
2 new “renewal” (in Japan, they like to use the word renewal to indicate upgraded, improvised, enhanced… you get the idea) models will be released on May 21, 2013!
At that point when I read it, it was still a few days away, so I thought, since I’ve already waited (ok, procrastinated) so long, what’s a few more days, right?
While waiting, I did more research! Now 2 more models to add to the dilemma:
There is a stark difference in price both between these 2 models and when comparing with the older models.
- Previously: 9,980 yen and 12,800 yen
- New models: 19,800 yen and 29,800 yen
Super ouch, right?! My eyes were O_O when I saw the prices. I cannot imagine how much people overseas have to pay. On eBay, the highest model is going for an average USD 400 right now :O
The thing I was most uncomfortable with was that there were obviously no reviews for me to refer to and make my decision, which is how I usually do things.
So I had to keep asking myself: Are the new models worth so much? Is there really a marked improvement over the older models? And the one that kept sneaking into my head…
What if Hitachi is just cashing in on the popularity and actually it’s more or less the same?
In my imagination, the people in Hitachi are are sitting in a meeting room going:
Boss: Ok, Hada Crie is very popular. How can we increase profit? *drums fingers expectantly*
Employee #1: How about running a promotion?
Boss: NO NO NO! That will only marginally increase profit, on models that don’t even cost that much in the first place! I want new ideas!
Employee #2: How about researching on how to improve Hada Crie even more?
Boss: That would cost us money instead, stupid! *whacks table for impact*
Cunning employee: I have an idea! How about… we take the current models, modify it very slightly and sell it at a high price? Hada Crie has a great reputation, and we can ride on its popularity to convince people that these “improvements” are worth the high price tag. I’m sure people will pay!
Boss: Now THAT’S what I call an idea.
*thunderous evil laughter echoes outward of the meeting room as everyone guffaws like a maniac*
HAHAHA. Overactive imagination!
(Hitachi please don’t sue me! Read on to see why you shouldn’t :3)
To make it easy to compare, I made a table!
(Actually, I only just made the table. I relied upon my mental prowess when comparing. Resulting in back and forth browsing and scrambling all over the place for information. Sigh.)
Might as well make full use of all the time I spent researching, right? Plus, at least it’ll be helpful to you? I know, I’m so nice!

*CP = cotton pad
Next, (prepare your tissues) I’m even gonna go one step further and provide an executive summary of the differences between the models. Go ahead. I won’t look while you wipe away your tears of touched-ness.
Freshened up and ready?
General differences between the new (N820 & N2000) models and old (N810 & N1000) models
- The ion plates now have a dimpled design
- They no longer have ‘Micropat’ mode
- In ‘Moisture Up’ mode, gel/emulsion type products can now be used, and without a cotton pad
- Contact plates (for ion induction) moved from the sides to the back
Differences between N820 and N810
Those listed above +
- Time take for full course (all modes) is reduced from 20 to 15 min
- New model costs ~2,800 yen more
Differences between N2000 and N1000
Those listed above +
- Addition of warmth function, resulting in 2 plates. The warm one in front, cool one behind
- Time taken for each course reduced from 5 to 3 min
- ‘Cool’ mode takes only 2 min (10s to prepare) compared to the old 3 min (1.5 min to prepare)
- Full course takes 11 min instead of 18 min
- Mask mode introduced
- Can be used worldwide now
- A cool 17,000 yen difference (more than twice as expensive!)
Differences between the lower-end (N8xx) and higher-end (Nx000) models
- Portability: Both N8xx can be used wirelessly, but Nx000 must be connected to an electrical outlet
- Weight: N8xx is lighter due to the absence of a cooling motor
- Pore-minimization: Nx000 models have the cooling function, which can reduce pore size
- Cost: As much as 20,000 yen difference between the highest and lowest model
So after being so cheong hei (Cantonese for long-winded) and so much research, which one did I end up buying?
I decided to go for broke (pun fully intended) and bought the CM-N2000.
29,800 yen!!! That’s close to $400 SGD. Or $300 USD.
Oh man, it looks worse after conversion. I’m used to thinking of 100 yen as $1. Which means $298.
Ugh. Not better. Let’s just leave it as 29,800 yen. I can pretend it’s fake money. Nothing more than currency I use to live in my dream land Japan. Haha! Besides, I’m in the country that invented instant noodles! I will survive!
New Version Hada Crie, you better work!!!
Ok… to tell you the truth, I intended for this post to be a first-impression review of CM-N2000. Complete with un-boxing, our “Before” skin pictures, cotton pads after first use, everything. I already painstakingly took all the pictures!
But looking at the length of the post so far… I think that would just kill you and me both.
So I will break it into 2 parts and do the review in a separate post.
For the impatient ones who are dying to buy it and want to know what someone, ANYONE thinks of CM-N2000 (because I know there are absolutely ZERO reviews out there at this point of writing), I had my doubts after the first use, and even thought of returning it.
But now after the third use, I think I’m starting to warm up to it (and perhaps it to me) and I’m quite happy! I look forward to using it every day haha! To the point that I will pester Fu to LET ME do it for him. Yeah, that’s got to say quite a bit about how I feel about the gadget.
Alright, till the review next time!
(so yes, Hitachi, you see why you shouldn’t sue me now? I ♥ Hada Crie!)
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Where to buy
or if in Japan, any major electrical store like Yodobashi or Bic Camera (they carry only the latest models though).
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Edit (6/22): Review is up!
Edit: New comparison post (including the 2015 models) is up!
I like the new layout! Also woah a $400 face..thingy machine?! O_O
Ok actually I’m very excited for the unboxing/review post lol. Doesn’t the lotion/face stuff get all..caught between the plate and the plastic housing, though?
Yay! Someone who noticed the layout change! (ignoring the fact I was discussing it with you during the change…)
In Japan it’s all about home care. No facials! :( So I’ll just think of it as paying upfront for a few facial sessions…
I’ll post when I’ve finished collecting the “experiment” results. Or maybe earlier if I get bored lol. And no, if you drip the toner/lotion on the pad slowly, the cotton pad will cleanly absorb everything!
Ahh but what about when you use gel/emulsion type products? And what about mask mode? This is all so intriguing…! lol. And since your initial catalyst was blackheads, does this help with blackhead extraction/removal? *waits for unboxing/review post* (but no pressure! lol)
The plate protrudes from the plastic housing (not flush) so it doesn’t seep into the cracks.
I’ll post it when I have 14 days of “samples”! :D
Do you have 14 days of samples yet? I’m curious in your results!!
Also, I’m from the USA and interested in purchasing the Hitachi Hada Crie Hot & Cool CM-N2000 device. Can you recommend any places online where I can purchase this device?
Thank you in advance.
Hi Kelly! Thanks for visiting and also commenting :)
I’ve been caught up with other things, but now that you’ve reminded me, I will start working on it.
Some places you can find it are on Amazon and eBay.
Including shipping, the cheapest on Amazon is going for about $396 and on eBay, about $375.
Mmmm, I don’t know how to say it without sounding forward and sudden, but I thought you might like to know that I am able to help you purchase it at cost price (29,800yen, about USD 300 depending on the exchange rate) + a small commission. I am actually in the midst of setting up this business, but don’t have a website to show for at the moment. Should you be interested, you can contact me at hellotripleRIN /at/ gmail.com and we can take it from there :)
Of course, if you’re uncomfortable, I completely understand. In which case I hope you find the Amazon or eBay links helpful!
I like to read your post.I have a question why new modes can use lotion or gel, but old modes can not. The new iron plates have the dimpled design only. I think they use the same iron plates.
Hi Eli,
Thanks for reading and commenting :)
I think you are referring specifically to the “Moisture Up” mode?
(because the older models’ “Micropat modes” can be used with lotion alone too)
The official Hitachi website did address this, and according to them, it’s because they are using titanium (not iron) for the plate. I only just noticed this, but after doing a quick check, I think the older models did not use titanium for the plates.
In addition to the change in material, the dimpled design also makes it easier than before to glide it around the face with just lotion/gel.
I hope this answers your question!
Hallo Rin R, i wanna ask, in japan where I can buy that’s tool?
Hi Aisyah,
Hada Crie can be found in most big electronic store chains. I bought mine from Yodobashi :)
Thank u very much Rin R ^^
Hi Rin R~ for step 1-3, is it able to switch from hot to cold? Thanks for sharing all these information and review r
Hi Garfield,
No. They are 2 different plates. No ions are emitted from the cold plate, which would defeat the purpose of using the gadget, unless your purpose is just to cool your face :)
Thanks for yr reply Rin~~ I mail u as well ;)
Mail as in email? If so, I didn’t receive any email from you! You might want to check the address again ^^
opps!!! i didnt know 820 is wireless!?!?!?! just bought 2000. see how it goes. btw i was the one who leave a msg on the shufa brush Qn. i will go n find the link n get back to u again. THanks
Hi Rin,
I am so glad to find your blog.
Thank you for your in depth review and comparison chart between each models.
Right now I am torn between hada crie n2000 and bijouna kbe1610. They both has hot and cold feature, however bijouna can be use wirelessly. Do you have any input on bijouna ?
Hi Yenny,
Sorry, I have not tried the Bijouna model before so I cannot comment.
However, I believe the reason why N2000 cannot be used wirelessly is because it requires a lot of power to run both the hot and cold modes. (which is why N820 is wireless because it doesn’t have the hot/cold functions)
Not sure if Bijouna requires as much power and if it doesn’t, is it because it’s not as warm/cold as N2000.
You may want to consider that before purchasing. Hope it helps! :)
I would like to ask some questions regarding the product before purchase. I have acne prone, sensitive skin so would n2000 be suitable for me? I understand that some heat might actually activate some of the oil glands. If so, will n1000 be suitable for me instead (p.s. do you take in order for n1000)?
so basically my skincare routine consists of:-
1st step: vitamin C essence
2nd step: cream based moisturiser
3rd step: hydroquine cream to lighten up past acne scars
4th step: I sometimes use vitamin A cream for collagen properties as well.
so basically, my moisturizer is more of the cream type base and it dries very quickly on the skin. Can i still use it with this machine?
Also, how do i incorporate my skincare products with this machine? Will it be possible since both n1000 and n2000 emphasizes mainly on using toners (which might be impossible for me since I don’t use toners at all in my skincare regime).
Thank you so much for your time in reading this message and helping me with my enquiries (sorry for being so long-winded!).
God bless and have a great weekend. :)
p.s. really love some of your product reviews and thank you for the japanese-english translation with the Hitachi Crie! It’s really helpful since I don’t read that language. Haha :)
Hello, I just replied to your email, but I see a new question added, so I will answer that here.
The heat in N2000 is very mild, so I personally don’t think there is any issue. Some customers with skin similar to yours have bought N2000 previously and it worked pretty well for them :) But if you are wary and would prefer to go for N1000, yes, I am still able to purchase them for you at this point.
Let me know if you have any other questions!
Like many, I am in a dilemma: to Japan for a few days, I hesitate between HHC CM-N810-P and CM-N820. Do you know what justifies the higher price of the second, despite a smaller number of functions? I have not found either the differences between CM-N810-P and CM-N810 (the model “P” seems to have replaced thé CM-N810 one, which is no longer distributed as you already know).
Thank you in advance for your help in this choice!
Hi Lak,
I believe there is no difference between CM-N810-P and CM-N810. The “P” in CM-N810-P simply stands for pink. CM-N2000 is also often written as CM-N1000-W (which stands for white)
Hmmm, the differences between N810 and N820 have already been listed above. Whether it’s justifiable or not is entirely a personal decision :)
For the record, it’s not that N820 has fewer functions. Rather, it’s that two of the functions have been combined into one, thus saving time on a complete cycle.
Hi there,
I’m wondering whether you’ve seen any noticeable difference after using the N820. I’m thinking of getting one, but don’t want to spend so much on a new one. Do you have any used ones for sale?
Hi Cat,
I only own the N2000, not the N820. But for what it’s worth, I definitely noticed a difference using N2000.
I don’t have used ones for sale though. You might have better luck trying ebay or other similar sites for that!
Hi Rin,
Thank you for your review. I am considering to buy N820 or N1000 since the price difference is just 1,000yen.
What model should I buy?
Thank you again.
Hi Thao,
Thanks for stopping by!
If the hot/cold function is not a priority, I would recommend N820, as it is the newer version with upgraded plates and also the nice wireless portability. Plus, if you’re not living in a country that uses the same voltage as N1000, it will save you the trouble of getting a power transformer as well.
Hope this helps!
hi Rin,
thanks for your detailed description of the models. I am considering to purchase n2000 or n820? My main problem is black pores. I do not have pimples or acne. However, no matter what skin care product i used, there is no sign to get rid this problem. It even getting more worse. Which model would you recommend? Do you think it will really work? This product is quite expensive. I hope it’s worth. Thank you in advance.
Hi Moon,
Black pores are usually a sign of improper/incomplete cleaning, and dirt is trapped in the pores. I assume they occur around the nose area?
I think Hada Crie will be able to help, but it will only be able to work to its full abilities when you use it with products compatible with your skin’s condition.
Hello Sharene,
Hope you are doing well. I just wanted to let you and your readers know that next update to the Hada Crie models are coming out in November 2014. The model numbers are CM-N3000 and CM-N830 respectively.
Here is the source website:
I recommend using Google Chrome web browser to translate into your native language if you can’t read Japanese. Like me !!!! Hahahaha……enjoy!
Hi Kelly,
Thanks so much for the heads up! :)
realize there is a newer version CM-N3000. would like to know whats the differences between these two? would like to get one to try out. i have pimple very often. which would you recommend ? thanks in advance!
Hi, I did a post on N3000 and you can read about it here :)
Personally, I recommend the N2000 or N820.
Fabulous post! I have one question; if you don’t want to use a cycle for the pre-programmed length, can you turn it off and go to the next cycle? thanks so much!
Hi Joyce,
Sure you can! After turning it off, turn it back on and press the mode button to switch to the next mode :)
Hello Rin, I’m interest on N810 or N820 actually.
arrrr.. Dilemma >”<
which one do you actually recommend?
i'm living in Malaysia, i found that Amazon are selling. Is it trust-able to buy there?
Hi Adeline,
If you’re choosing between the N810 and N820, I would definitely recommend the N820. Right now, it’s only a couple of dollars difference, but it takes 25% less time for a full course.
I’ve bought many times from Amazon and had no problems with any order, whether it’s shipped by Amazon or individual sellers. Besides, Amazon has a pretty solid policy to protect buyers which you can read about here.
Note that not all sellers on Amazon ship to Malaysia. I found one that ships to Malaysia. From the N820 page, look for the seller called FIRELIGHT.
Hope this helps.
Hello RIn,
Sorry for late replied, i just checked my email.
Thanks for your detail information ya lovely <3 Definitely helps me a lot more hehe.
Honestly my first choice was CM-N1000 or N2000, Cool Esthe is my main point of using it because i have sensitive skin.
But those choices are not wireless which is inconvenient for me :(
Besides that, do you heard of Panasonic Nano face steamer? Have you notice this products?
No worries; glad you find it helpful.
As for the Nano face steamer, yep, I’ve heard of it before and even thought of buying it. But I haven’t done so yet. Maybe in future!
Hi Rin,
I am now in Tsukuba and I can’t find the Hada Crie here :(
So I will be going to Tokyo. Do you know where to buy it cheaper in Tokyo? And what models you recommend?
Hi Angie,
You can find Hada Crie in almost any major electrical store (e.g. Yodobashi, Bic Camera). However, I think the stores sell only the newest models – N830 and N3000. If the hot/cold function is not a priority, then the N830 will suffice.
I was thinking to buy or not to buy. Thanks for your info. Helped a lot!!
You’re welcome :) Glad it helped!
Hi Rin,
I am debating between N820 and N2000. Do you think the warm function will increase the size of the pores?
Hi Pocky,
Personally, using the warm function does not increase the size of my pores.
Hi Rin,
You are such a wonderful girl and I love your blog. You help me a lot! Thanks.
You’re welcome; glad to have helped! :)
There are so many Hitachi Hada Crie online now, how would I be able to tell which one is counterfeit? Thanks
I don’t think there is any way to tell online which is counterfeit.
The best you can do is to buy from a reputable seller. Just make sure that you are able to get your money back if you do end up with a counterfeit (Paypal Buyer Protection, etc).
Thank you for your indepth review of this product its really useful especially for those of us that don’t understand Japanese. I will be travelling to Tokyo in March and was wondering if you could recommend any stores that would still carry the older models N2000 or N820…Thanks :)
Glad it was helpful :)
All the physical stores I know of that sell Hada Crie only carry the latest models. In March, that would be N4000 and N840. If you want the older models, it’s best to look online.
Hi, I have the N1000 for long time, it still works great. just wonder if the ring size of the N1000 and N2000 is the same? I just lost my plastic ring and I couldn’t find the N1000 ring, only N2000