Budget Food

Bento madness

26 August 2013

One of the things I will never get bored of eating in Japan…

Bentos! ♥

Whether it’s a bento from a conbini (Japanese for convenience store), supermarket or departmental store or Ekiben (bento you buy from the train station for long train rides), I love them all!

And thus starts the photo spamming.
Enjoy! :D








Something I like even more than bentos…?




Make sure to try one if you are ever in Japan! ;D

1 Comment

  • Reply Food sickness - tripleRIN 23 August 2014 at 8:00 am

    […] (for 3 months, but still!), I’m also missing Japanese food so badly! My favorite sushi… bentos… oyako-don… udon… TEMPURA… GYU-DON!!! Gahhh, I can’t take […]

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