Sporty weekend – Ski and Dance

Well, not ski and dance at the same time

First: Saturday. We went on our first ski trip this season! (yeah I know, spring is almost here and THEN we decide to go skiing :S )


It’s our 3rd year going Saku Ski Garden Parada in Nagano. It’s uber convenient and uber cheap! The website can be found here.

To get to many ski places, you have to travel via bus for several hours. Or take train THEN still have to take bus for 50 minutes kind zzz. This one is so convenient!

Fu organized it and it was a pretty big group, with a total of 12 people, including a special visitor from Singapore, WX!

Fu was holding on to all the train tickets and everyone was supposed to gather at about 6.30am to board the 6.44am train. The thing about shinkansens is that they leave on the dot, and they wait for no man, reserved seat or no.

That morning, I think Fu gained a few more white hairs (…or lost some; one of them) because it was approaching the departure but people left right center were running late, not at the meetup location, etc. One person (our dear tourist) could not be reached entirely! Super panicky and stressed D:

In the end, Fu didn’t board the train and stayed behind to get in touch with WX. He eventually managed to contact her around 7am lol.

By the time the both of them joined us, it was actually right on time because I had to take care of admin stuff plus it was mad crowded and things took a while to settle T_T

We had a total of 3 students under our care that day, all of them the first time on snow.


Student #1: Suchee
Student #1: Suchee
Student #2: Surya
Student #2: Surya
Student #3: WX
Student #3: WX

They look so happy and confident here right?


I think it was really quite scary for them, and they also tired out quite quickly after having to pick themselves up so many times. Their default mode when anything goes awry is FALL. Many times I think they can actually avoid falling, but instead of stopping the way we taught them, they use falling as brakes instead.

Quite the opposite from me. When I started learning, I did everything I can to NOT fall. Because it’s hell trying to pick myself up after that (due to my back operation). Besides, falling increases the risk of hurting my back, so I have to avoid falling as much as possible.

Taking the lift up, with Fu & WX behind ^^
Taking the lift up, with Fu & WX behind ^^

At the end of the day, only WX successfully skied down the slopes. (Suchee and Surya both KO-ed)

WX was so happy when she reached the bottom of the mountain! And we as the 師夫 are mega proud of course :D Speaking of which, I was the one who taught Fu how to ski, so I now have 2 students under my belt. Lol.

On our off time from students XD
During our off time from students XD

Yeah, I’m wearing a mask because I was protecting my lip that had a healing wound. Also good for avoiding direct sun on my face! ^o^

Ski lodge cafeteria food. This chicken cutlet was pretty decent.
Ski lodge cafeteria food. This chicken cutlet was pretty decent.
With a generous heaping of tartar sauce.
At the top!
At the top!
On the way back to Tokyo
On the way back to Tokyo

Fu always reminds me of Dopey at the end of every ski trip.

dopeyI think it’s the way his ears are sticking out of the cap… lol.

And omg, my eyeliner was smudged like crazy below my eye to the point where it looks like I haven’t slept in 3 years and no one bothered to tell me! Ok la, maybe people too shy to tell me, but FU NEVER EVER TELLS ME! HOMG. He claims he cannot tell the difference. WHAT EVEN?!! :A

On Sunday, I woke up to new-found muscles that I didn’t know I had before. Aching like crazy!

I dragged my sore body – rather enthusiastically though haha – to dance class!

I love this song! And yes, another INFINITE song :3

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