I recently suffered another head trauma. Yes, another one after my hang gliding accident. I almost feel like I’m training 铁头功 (lit. Iron Head, a Shaolin skill where they can can break steel blades and stuff over their bare heads)
I slipped, fell backwards and smashed my skull into the wall. The last thing I remember before passing out is that it hurts like #%%^@&)!&#@
When I next woke up, I found myself back in Japan! ISN’T THAT CRAZY???
So don’t ask me why the last post was 10 days ago because I have no idea where time went either!
Hahaha. I’m kidding, but only about the part where I passed out. I DID fall and it did hurt like a royal [insert expletive]. I also AM back in Japan – just arrived today!
My thoughts on being back home:
I MISS MY HOME SO MUCH!!! Fu cleaned and packed it up so nicely before he left for USA, so that I won’t return to the pig sty he transformed the house into while I was in Singapore lol. I thank the heavens I have a husband who at least cleans up when it matters the most ❤︎ Of course I would love it so much more if he could do it more often… eheheh :D No, I won’t appreciate it less nor will it become less “special”! So please, don’t hold back!

IT’S FINALLY PEACEFUL AND QUIET. Singapore is so noisy. So so noisy. Fu says I complain about it every time I go back, but it’s true. I barely had a moment of peace my entire month back in Singapore. The construction work opposite my house starts at 7.30am and goes on non-stop till 11pm. Everywhere I went in Singapore was crowded and noisy. I cannot count the number of times I had to raise my voice just to get a conversation going. It was extremely unbearable.
I’M DONE WITH TRAVELING. Or at least for a while. Usually when I say I’m tired of traveling, I get responses like “Yeah, you poor thing. Such a hard life, having to travel so much hor” -_- Lol. I don’t know if people can understand it, but it’s just the feeling of wanting to stay put and enjoy things for a bit, you know?I just feel like I haven’t lived in Japan much this year, and I miss it! I’m 70% homebody, 30% explorer. But this year it’s been pretty much the reverse and the homebody is violently protesting.
So yes, happily back home! YAY!
OMG Slin! How did you hit your head?? Anyway welcome home! Anyway I was just scrolling through Kickstarter and saw this Sherlock Holmes game! It’s not as pretty as your missed-out one, but maybe it’ll be fun! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/236780092/sherlock-holmes-the-card-game
Slipped on a puddle of water at home >_>
Heh, thanks for the link, I’ll check it out! :D