
Warning: NSFW!

23 February 2015

I have very disturbing news to share and this post will contain very graphic images. It is extremely NSFW, so proceed with caution.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Hiding it under a cut, but apologies in advance if it doesn’t work on RSS feeds.

See the full post by clicking on this link.

You brave, brave soul. I hope you’re really ready.

I don’t know what you’re expecting…

but here it is…



In case you can’t see, the last row is facial masks stacked. Probably close to a hundred there. Ok ok, at least 60.

By NSFW, I meant Not Safe For Wallet. Hahaha.

I’ve been thinking… I spend so much money to buy so many products, what else can I do with them (apart from using them la duh -_-) So I thought: Why not start reviewing more products?! Sounds good, right? (you see those I sporadically reviewed previously here)

But now that I think about it… that NSFW might apply to me too. What if… the more I review, the more I want to buy and review…?


Anyway, brace your soul (and wallet) for upcoming reviews! -wiggles eyebrows-


  • Reply Mandy 23 February 2015 at 6:55 am

    That is quite a hit to your wallet! Good sales that week? :P
    Can’t wait to hear about some of the things you got.

    • Reply Rin 25 February 2015 at 2:57 am

      It was… D: My wallet never really recovered.
      I’m curious what kind of products you are interested in!

      • Reply Mandy 25 February 2015 at 11:11 am

        Hard to tell from the photo but I’m interested in asian products in general, reviews on anything would be interesting :D

        • Reply Rin 28 February 2015 at 2:47 am

          *makes OK sign* :D

          For some reason, I’m quite excited that someone other than myself is happy about the upcoming reviews! Heh.

          I’m already preparing the review and one should be up sometime next week! ^-^

  • Reply Niki 27 February 2015 at 4:24 pm

    Are those face mask from SASA?I am on the hunt for good face mask for oily acne prone skin plus another one for my pores..

    • Reply Rin 28 February 2015 at 2:45 am

      Hi Niki, nope those are not from SASA. My skin is quite different from yours (mine is dry/sensitive/combination skin. a bit of a rubbish combination -_-)

      Hopefully you’ll find the upcoming reviews helpful anyway! :)

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