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Prepaid SIM Card in Canada for Tourists

After I book my air tickets to a new country, the first thing I search for is neither hotels nor attractions to visit. It’s how to get internet connectivity. Because with that, I can do almost anything, including booking a hotel or looking up…

16 October 2014

Bruce Peninsula National Park

First video of our Canada trip is up! Gahhh, I spent an AGE editing this! Had to experiment with different programs, get used to how they work and what not. Hopefully future videos won’t take as long! Many thanks to CW who so kindly…

15 October 2014

4-day Itinerary in Ontario, Canada

I’ve been looking forward to going to Canada for a long time and finally managed to visit earlier this month! Back story: About 6-7 years ago, Fu went to Canada all by himself (granted, it was for a conference, but still), came back and…

14 October 2014