Back home!

Arrived 3 days ago after 21 hours of flying and connections >_>

My baggage arrived only last night though. This is the first time I’m encountering baggage delay, and also the first time I’m so disappointed with ANA. I shot off a letter to them earlier to express my extreme dissatisfaction so I feel slightly better now.

Many people asked how it feels like to be back in Japan. My responses typically resonated along the lines of:


All in caps. Lol.

We’ve been binging on Japanese food every meal and loving it! I could never tire of Japanese food!

We also kickstarted our house-hunting proper and visited housing agents + looking at houses the day right after we landed. We saw this PERFECT (to me) house, complete with an island kitchen (island kitchens are almost an urban legend here in Japan) and roof garden (!!!) but unfortunately the location is not ideal :( Well, the search has barely started though, so may the god of homes smile upon us! :D

Between house-hunting, a messy house to clean up and 2 full luggages to unpack, I’ll still try and squeeze in a post here and there! ❤︎

2 thoughts on “Back home!”

  1. Hi Rin, glad to read that you are back safely in Japan. I catch up reading your blog on the way to work. Thanks for sharing your lovely trip to US with us readers :))

    1. Hi Nurul,

      Glad to know you enjoy reading it! :) I still have lots more I haven’t posted actually sigh -_-
      Btw, I’ll be visiting SG next week, so I can bring your outstanding orders with me and mail it to you then. Will send an email to you regarding that shortly!

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