Right. So my initial plan to write every alternate day has failed terribly. It’s turning out to be a weekly update instead -_-
My days are usually packed with appointments (to the point where I only have 4 hours of sleep or less on some days >_<) and on days that I don’t have anything on, I will just sleep for 12 hours straight and spam-watch anime the rest of the day. Hahaha. It’s my way of resting! And naturally, getting to work on a post is pretty far down on my list of priorities lol.
I have utmost respect for people who religiously blog at the end of the day (give or take 1-2 days). If the post comes with edited pictures? Someone give them a medal already. It takes so much hard work!
But oh well! Still writing it down so I know where my time in Singapore went.
19 November (Wed)
Went to pick grandma to go to the polyclinic because her thumb was swelling so much it was starting to turn purple and pus was starting to ooze out D:
The doctor said it was a bacteria infection and prescribed a small procedure to remove the pus. After the procedure, the doctor came out of the room exclaiming “THERE WAS SO MUCH PUS!”
I was like “Okay..”
Then my grandma came out, looking horrified as she said, “THERE WAS SO MUCH PUS!!!”
… Yes, I think I get it.
But the good news is, with the pus out of the way, she’s on her way to recovery!
Later, I headed to Bugis to meet and chill with Carys!
Singapore recently saw an explosion of cafes setting up shop so we checked out one – GastroSmiths.
Honestly I was disappointed from the moment I set eyes on the menu.
The menu is one of the first impressions a new customer forms about the dining establishment and I think more effort and care should be given to them.
A dirty, crumpled menu? It already tells me a lot about how things are run in this place.
Anyway, the conclusion is we overpaid for too-salty pasta (Shio-Koji prawn linguine) and egg mayo with a tiny bit of caviar (Truffled chopped eggs and caviar bruschetta – truffled sounds so much more fancy for what it really is). I won’t be returning again for sure.
We later headed to nearby Haji Lane. It’s a very popular place for photography enthusiasts due to its colorful architecture. Many people also like the eclectic shops that line the street. Despite it being popular for a while, it was actually my first time there!
20 November (Thu)
STAYED HOME!!! Finally a day to rest!
Fu was being schizo. He constantly tells me to “rest more”. Then when I IM-ed him after I woke up (at 3.30pm), he went “YOU JUST WOKE UP?!!”
Did homebody things (like anime-watching hehe) until dinner and went for dinner with dad. Just like the good ol’ days :)
21 November (Fri)
Went for KTV with my cousin and her husband! It’s been so long – too long! – since I sang with people who also love singing! We sang for 6 hours straight from 9pm-3am haha! It was so fun :D
22 November (Sat)
Awoken by mom less than 4 hours after falling asleep.
She asked, “You wanna go eat breakfast?”
I was about to cover the sheets over my head in reply, but before I could, she whispered, almost devilishly, “Chee cheong fun at Old Airport Road…”
I paused.
Internal battles ensue.
Damn. Food won out.
I mean, I should eat breakfast with my family every chance I get, right? :D
This is the BEST chee cheong fun. Ever.
The rice flour roll is barely-there thin, going as far as giving a teasing glimpse of the shrimps and scallops concealed beneath, akin to sheer undies hugging a delicious form.
I don’t think I could be more descriptive.
I pray this place never closes down!
Met up with Spyair (nickname for my group of ex-colleagues heh) and had brunch at Nassim Hill at Orchard Road.
So much food! And these crazy girls ordered “Steak & Eggs”! Why is steak on a brunch menu in the first place?! Lol.
A while later, we headed to Sunday Folks near Holland Village for ice-cream.
Flavors were okay, but I liked the unique topping offerings! The bottom plate has roasted marshmallow pieces! And they look so adorable, like little grilled tofu or cheese cubes hehe. I also love the chocolate-coated honeycomb pieces on the right plate.
Yes, I’m on a freakin’ food tour this (and every) trip back -_-
Visted grandma since I heard she fell sick. Apparently she told everyone except me! *grumbles*
23 November (Sun)
Went for dim sum with my family. I LOVE DIM SUM! :3
Didn’t take photos of food, save one of the oozing, super “liu” liu sha bao:

Some people think I only have one sister, but I actually have two…

Traveled downtown and met friends for…
I’ve been wanting to play one ever since this post and my time has finally come! MUAHAHAHAHA!
The one we went to was Breakout and I will be doing a separate post soon :D
In the evening, we had BBQ at A’s place.
When it comes to BBQ, I only truly care for one thing:

Granted, this was actually grilled in the oven because our instant BBQ pit was #totalfail, but as long as I get my marshmallows, I’m happy!
In other less happy news, after tonight, I probably won’t get to see Carys for a year :C
24 November (Mon)
Dragged Brought dad to the polyclinic because he was so stubborn about not going to see a doctor about this condition he had THE WHOLE YEAR despite my mom and sister’s nagging. Well, he met his match and obviously lost to Stubbornness v2.0 now that I’m back, HAH!
It was a really fruitful day, because apart from finally getting his condition checked out, I also got to chat a lot with my dad! From which I made a shocking (in the amazing kind of way) discovery:
The thought that they were not from China never even crossed my mind, but they were in fact from TAIWAN!!!
I’m ridiculously excited by this revelation.
Reached home, marathoned anime.
What do you mean I watch too much anime? Pfft, there’s no such thing as too much.
25 November (Tue)
I loved the real escape game experience so much I decided to try out another real escape game place – Encounter. The game was supremely well-made and well thought out! I absolutely loved it and will be writing a separate post for it too!
Met an aunt for dinner and spent hours chatting and updating each other! She also treated me to dinner hehe.

26 November (Wed)
Caught Mockingjay with Zhen! I loved the movie, and wouldn’t mind if it went on forever (the longer the merrier!) but I felt that non-fans might find some parts too slow for them. I heard some people actually fell asleep during the movie. THE BLASPHEMY!
After the movie, Zhen wanted to check out this apparently insanely popular soft serve ice-cream place which came from Korea, Honey Creme.
According to her, the place has seen snaking queues ever since its opening about a month ago and she was so excited when the queue had just 4-5 people.
I don’t know if Singaporeans just like to prove that queuing is our national pastime or something, but I cannot for the life of me fathom why this is so popular.
The soft serve was at best mediocre, and the amount of honey was a pittance that we had to painstakingly ratio. The honeycomb was tasteless (surprise, surprise) and this entire cup was just painful to get through. To add salt to the wound, they had the cheek to charge $6 for this!!! Bloodsuckers.
Zhen has a fatal attraction to macarons and succumbed into buying two – at $3 EACH.
They were crunchy.
Maybe delicious, crunchy macarons exist in this world. But these were not it. They were terrible.
But the fault is ours. What were we thinking buying macarons from a soft serve place that doesn’t even serve decent soft serve, right?
Came home, took up a copy editing assignment. Whee! I can officially say I’m a copy editor now! Lol.
27 November (Thu)
Did some work and met up with an old friend for dinner and as is usual of my meetings with people, we spent hours talking and catching up.
We went to a boardgame store and upon my endorsement of a game (which I didn’t know he has been contemplating on getting for months), he ended up buying the game.
This photo was taken RIGHT BEFORE the winner was determined, which was just as well, since I probably wouldn’t have taken one after haha. I tried to be funny (reverse reverse reverse psychology) and made a weirdass maneuver which resulted in my defeat :C
But well… we win some, we learn some, eh? :D
28 November (Fri)
Oh good lordy, are we finally at today?! Phew.
I set the day aside for work, but made time to sneak out for brunch with Zhen at Lola’s Cafe. This was one of the places that she wanted to bring me to, and it was her treat too, so it was extra lovely ;D
Worked the rest of the day.
My dad took care of my dinner and cooked for me, hehe.
I helped my dad switch phones – he’s the only person I know of that finds iPhones difficult to use. WHY??? I’ve seen 2 year olds use the iPhone just fine! I created an email address for him and installed LINE. Now I can call him anytime from Japan and chat/disturb/nag him mwehehehehe! :D