The life or the person?

Had to take a break from writing for a bit because I was preoccupied with a freelance project, but now that I’ve completed it, I’M BAAAACK!!!

I’ve been writing as fast as I can but I realize my backlog is hardly decreasing. If anything, it’s actually increasing -_-;;;

I’ve finally finished everything I wanted to write about Nagoya, but there’s still Kyoto and Osaka from the same trip, then right after we returned, Eric visited and there was strawberry-picking, Hakone, maid cafe (my first!)… Then Mumu and I had our second afternoon tea just this weekend… And then there are a whole lot of product reviews that I already took photos for but haven’t got around to editing and writing…


Not sure if it’s because my life is that exciting or that I just find everything interesting here haha. Everything also have something to say lol.

Oh, sidetrack a bit… I’ve always loved the Rakuten Shopping Panda stickers on LINE, and finally found a way to have them on the blog as well! (you can already see one above)



heegoodjob drunk angryok

I painstakingly cropped and saved each emoticon! I have more than… 70 stickers in my arsenal now, heheheh. #nowonder #backlognotdecreasing

But Shopping Panda is so cuteeee!

Check out his Sun Wukong (or Son Goku in Japanese) costume:


how about their Sherlock Holmes cosplay…


Okok, I will stop my nonsense and go write proper posts now.

Over and out.

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