Don’t you have at least an article of clothing or two with those dreaded little balls clinging on and being an eyesore? The sweater Milk Tea is wearing has lots of fuzz balls (also known as lint balls or piling) on it and it’s bugging the heck out of me.
At first I tried to pluck them out by force (hands up who else does it! I can’t be the only one!) but I was damaging the sweater rather than making it better -_-
I’ve seen gadgets to remove fuzz balls before, but I thought they were just a gimmick. Desperate to just get the damn things out of my sight, I gave in and placed an order last night. It’s less than $15, so what’s the worst that could happen, right?
It arrived today (I LOVE YOU FOREVER AMAZON PRIMEEEE) and I quickly tested it out.
It’s so awesome I actually bothered to take a video and upload it for your viewing pleasure LOL. I’m usually really lazy about taking videos!
By the way, if you listen carefully, you can hear some mad scrambling during the last few seconds of the video. That’s Milk Tea running for her life because she’s scared of this little device lolol.
And uh… this is not a common thing that the whole world knows about and I’m being suaku and getting all excited by myself, right? Right???
Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I’m happy that all our clothes are going to be fuzz ball-free from now on, and Milk Tea is happy that I’m taking a photo of her good-as-new sweater because she gets a treat after. It all works out :)

p.s.: The gadget is called 毛玉取り器 for anyone who is interested
The heck! I need this so badly! All my sweaters have fuzz balls on them and yes, I picked them off my hand and it’s making it worst…
This came at the right time! Thanks!!
Haha so happy to know that this helped you! The old me would have loved to learn about this sooner (and not view them with suspicion lol) Stop plucking and go get one soon! :D
Daiso has something similar too! :p
Ooh, thanks, I didn’t know that! Maybe I should buy it too and see how it fares against the one I have haha