We had some very rare heavy snowfall in Tokyo over the weekend!
It was supposedly the heaviest snowfall in 13 years or something. Whatever it is, I’m glad we got to experience it!
While most people hid indoors, we ventured out to frolic in the snow :D
The wind was whipping relentlessly and it was so cold (doesn’t help my coat was drinking up every fleck of snow that landed on it T_T) but snow was flying all around, bathing everything in its beauty and it was so pretty!
Everything was engulfed by the snow. Bikes, flowers, Miffys, everything.
We braved the wind, cold and snow and made it to lunch!
So delicious. Especially those Hokkaido oysters! So fresh, so light, so crispy. *rubs belly*
And what do you have on a freezing, snowy day?
A parfait, obviously.
On our way back, we noticed that the snow brought out all sorts of behavior in people…

Needless to say, we kept our heads down and hurried home, away from these crazies.
It was a really lovely weekend! We felt like we were teleported to Hokkaido. For free somemore. Awesome or what?

WOW!! It looks so white and wonderful :)) You should have a snowball fight with Fu before the snow melts
It was really beautiful! ;D
Haha, I think we would both have our hands frozen off from packing snow sooner than we can engage in any sort of fight!