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Everyday Adventures Gadget

How To Remove Fuzz Balls Effortlessly!

Don’t you have at least an article of clothing or two with those dreaded little balls clinging on and being an eyesore? The sweater Milk Tea is wearing has lots of fuzz balls (also known as lint balls or piling) on it and it’s…

2 February 2017

New camera!

I’ve been wanting to get a new camera to replace my old pok Lumix camera that I’ve had for… 6 years! In the world of gadgets, that’s like the equivalent of a dinosaur! In fact, I’ve stopped using my camera and completely rely on my iPhone.…

19 February 2015

Our new toy – GoPro hii-chan

After borrowing a friend’s GoPro camera for our Canada trip (view the video I made here!), we decided to buy our own when we returned from the trip! We really should have bought one sooner to capture all the places we’ve been (NASA! Vegas!…

17 October 2014
Beauty & Health Gadget

Hada Crie: The truth about N2000

Last June, I bought Hada Crie, a beauty gadget that makes use of ions to deep-cleanse and moisturize the skin. It was my most expensive singular beauty purchase, costing close to SGD 400. (it’s fallen to only $200+ now >_< lucky for those of…

16 January 2014

Back at posting… almost.

Today is the last weekday of Fu’s paid vacation. We have only the weekend left! After that, while he starts working hard at his new job, I will also start working hard at documenting the past few weeks! So… if I’m only going to…

17 August 2013
Beauty & Health Gadget

Hada Crie – Comparison of the different models

Have you heard of the magical beauty gadget, Hada Crie? If you haven’t, then lucky you! I’m about to potentially change your skin (and also your bank account). Hada Crie is pronounced ha-da, which means ‘skin’ in Japanese, and cree-ey as in creation (without…

27 May 2013