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Happy Halloweenify!

Saw this feature in Google photos and randomly picked a photo to try it out on. Not bad for 2 clicks worth of work, eh? Happy Halloween, everyone! It’s 2am now and I’m psyched to find out later how America celebrates Halloween! If the…

31 October 2014

Movie weekend

Temperatures fell over the weekend… It feels like Fall has finally arrived in Austin! In view of the chilly weather, we decided to stay indoors and explore the local movie theaters! Whenever possible, I try to catch a movie countries I visit. I think…

13 October 2014

Terrorizing the roads of Austin

Today, I drove by myself for the first time. EVER. I’ve never driven by myself before as Fu is usually sitting in the passenger seat, acting as adviser and extra pair of eyes. I got my license only about 2 months before I left…

1 October 2014

Go karting!

We went go karting yesterday and it was my first time trying it out! We played a total of 2 races each, each race lasting about 10 minutes, averaging about 12 laps. The coolest thing is that it’s entirely indoors! At the end of…

1 October 2014

Our schedule

Fu and I were discussing upcoming events last night and I realized our schedule is so fully packed! For this week Monday – Drove to San Marcos outlets again because the silly boy said he wanted to buy me something for our anniversary ;D…

26 September 2014

Week one in Austin

We’ve been in Austin for a full week now! Slowly getting used to how things work around here, a vast improvement from the first night where we were wondering how to pay for our dinner LOL. But one thing I could never get used…

13 August 2014