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Beauty & Health

The Yomeishu Experiment (養命酒の実験)

I’m always cold. Even a bit of air-con will make ice blocks out of my hands. Much less the 5 degrees winter now =_= At night, my hands and feet get so cold that even after crawling under the warm covers (we have an…

7 February 2014
Beauty & Health

One thing that cured my daily sinus

Yes, I know how the title sounds. But I swear this is not one of those bogus-sounding “5 odd foods that kill belly fat” ads ok! The reason why I’m sharing this is because lately, I’ve encountered many people who are plagued by sinusitis…

14 January 2014
Beauty & Health

Disappearing Teeth

Do you have translucent teeth? By that, I mean the tip of your tooth being more transparent than the rest of that tooth. I always thought that this was normal. Until I saw last night that the “translucency” has spread upwards in a narrow,…

30 September 2013
Beauty & Health Life in Japan

Fat cheeks and the dentists

I was looking at my photos recently and noticed that from certain angles, my cheeks look so chubby! Chubby cheeks have plagued me from young and I grew up with people pinching my cheeks going “Sho CUUUUUTE!”. Super hated it. It’s bloody painful and…

26 June 2013