Search results for

hada crie

Beauty & Health

Hada Crie N3000, N830 – New 2014 Models

1.5 years ago, I splurged and made my singular most expensive beauty purchase – The $300 Hada Crie N2000 [review here] by Hitachi. I was informed last month by a reader (thanks Kelly!) that Hitachi was releasing new Hada Crie models (3rd generation) on November 1. They are CM-N3000…

7 November 2014
Beauty & Health Gadget

Hada Crie: The truth about N2000

Last June, I bought Hada Crie, a beauty gadget that makes use of ions to deep-cleanse and moisturize the skin. It was my most expensive singular beauty purchase, costing close to SGD 400. (it’s fallen to only $200+ now >_< lucky for those of…

16 January 2014
Beauty & Health Gadget

Hada Crie – Comparison of the different models

Have you heard of the magical beauty gadget, Hada Crie? If you haven’t, then lucky you! I’m about to potentially change your skin (and also your bank account). Hada Crie is pronounced ha-da, which means ‘skin’ in Japanese, and cree-ey as in creation (without…

27 May 2013
Site updates

Beauty blog

My interest in beauty-related things has been growing lately, so I have decided to carve out a separate space for them, and they are now housed on this sub-blog. I have been/will be transplanting some old posts over, but I will most likely leave the Hada…

1 August 2015

More than the numbers

Of late, there has been a thought on my mind: What does it feel like to do nothing? I don’t think I really remember it anymore. As ridiculous as it sounds, I actually feel guilty if I’m not thinking of something (usually this blog),…

17 September 2014
Life in Japan


I’ve been very busy with house-hunting the past few days! It’s so tough because my list of criteria is bloody long, but the money I’m willing to pay is not proportional lol. The type of layout I like!   This is a happy problem…

1 July 2013